
Whitewill Blog

The life of a real estate agency in UAE. Thoughts and observations about interesting objects, good and not so developers, about people with whom and for whom we work.

February results: Striding championally towards a new record

Oleg Torbosov has set a new ambitious target for his team in 2024 – to sell real estate totaling 200 billion ₽. To increase turnover year by year, it is necessary to exceed sales results for each month. While the numbers for January may not be particularly indicative, the results for February will definitely show how realistic our ambitions are.

The first half of February did not delight us with a large number of transactions. However, the last decade of the month brought a powerful barrage of high-value deals. Recall that in February 2023, we sold real estate worth 10.5 billion ₽. We closed this February 2024 with a result of 11,400,000,000 ₽.

What contributions did our offices make:

• 52% – Moscow;

• 26% – Dubai;

• 22% – Abu Dhabi, Miami, London.

And now let's go through the largest deals:

• 640 million ₽ – apartment in Royal Atlantis;

• 530 million ₽ – mansion in Khokhlovsky Lane;

• 400 million ₽ – apartment in Bryusov Lane;

• 500 million ₽ – 9 apartments in Republic residential complex;

• 430 million ₽ – 4 apartments in Sea La Vie residential complex in Abu Dhabi.

What conclusions can we draw? The month cannot be called fiery, but there is a positive trend. February's figures are 11% higher than the same month last year. January closed with the same numbers as in 2023. We are slightly deviating from the set goals, but this is just a reason to step up our efforts. Nobody said being champions would be easy.

And we are just beginning this race.

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